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Design Science 1

nur für Incom-Mitglieder

Dear Students, 

The seminar »Design Science 1« will discuss the most relevant concepts of the term »industrial design« since modernity.

It will take place every tuesday (11.00 – 12.30) starting 27.10., the Zoom-Link will be announced here on time.

The Seminar including working papers will be in English language, please find the reader attached. 


Participation + Essay / Referat = 2 CP

Participation + Essay / Referat + Hausarbeit = 3 CP

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. See you soon!

Paula Ellert as representative of Prof. Dr. Annika Frye


Industriedesign BA

Designgrundlagen (alte Studienordnung)


Wintersemester 2020 / 2021


Dienstag, 11:00 – 12:30


Zoom Meetingraum
